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Extra, Extra: Read All About These Funny Headlines

Headlines have a tricky job: They need to grab a reader’s attention and convey crucial information within a very limited amount of space.

Most news media is now digital, meaning there’s often more flexibility with those space constraints, as well as the ability to quickly correct any errors that pop up. But in the world of print media, mistakes aren’t as easily fixed, and they can sometimes result in hilarity.

Aside from unintentional humor, cheeky journalists often word their headlines in such a way as to amuse their readers. And there are occasionally news stories that are so inherently silly or absurd that their headlines are bound to make us laugh.

The public's love of funny headlines has even inspired segments on popular late-night talk shows throughout the years: The Tonight Show with Jay Leno had “Headlines,” while Late Night with David Letterman had “Small Town News.”

Whether these newspaper headlines tickle our funny bones or make us scratch our heads, they all convey the delightful unpredictability of everyday life and remind us that there’s humor to be found even among the serious and the mundane.

Forecasters Call for Weather on Monday
“The Pittsburgh Post-Gazette,” February 26, 2005

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Potty-Mouthed Parrot Posse Kicked Out of Zoo for Cursing at Visitors
“The New York Post,” September 29, 2020

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Foul-Mouthed Parrots to Return to Park, Possibly Reformed
“The New York Times,” September 30, 2020

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Good Smell Perplexes New Yorkers
“The New York Times,” October 28, 2005

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Amphibious Pitcher Makes Debut
“The East Oregonian,” June 9, 2015

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County to Pay $250,000 to Advertise Lack of Funds
“The Register-Guard,” January 26, 2006

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Stylish but Illegal Monkey Found Roaming Toronto IKEA
“The Globe and Mail,” December 9, 2012

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Colorado Man Ticketed After Cat Refuses to Go for Jog
“The Jamestown Sun,” March 18, 2012

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Alton Attorney Accidentally Sues Himself
“The Madison-St. Clair Record,” March 11, 2005

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State Prisons to Replace Easy-Open Locks
“The Tampa Bay Times,” October 7, 1997

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World Bank Says Poor Need More Money
“The Associated Press,” April 27, 2009

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Pool Closed: It's Too Wet to Swim
“The Daily Express,” March 11, 2009

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Elton John Fan Fined for Playing “Candle in the Wind” for 18 Hours
“The Telegraph,” July 25, 2013

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Featured image credit: tommy/ iStock

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About the Author
Nicole Villeneuve
Nicole is a writer, thrift store lover, and group-chat meme spammer based in Ontario, Canada.
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