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Ancient Egyptian Wisdom for Modern Life

As many other cultures have done throughout time and across the world, ancient Egyptian culture generated its fair share of proverbs. Rooted in a history that spans millennia, these proverbial gems have passed down wisdom through countless generations.

Many of these adages are a testament to how highly Egyptian society valued family and community. Others capture the essence of daily life, the importance of living in harmony, and the necessity of humility and resilience.

Egyptian proverbs, for all their profundity, are also sometimes tinged with humor, a quality that helped carry the civilization through many turbulent times. This collection of Egyptian maxims poignantly tackles everything from matters of love and friendship to the challenges of leadership and overcoming adversity. That their insights still speak to our modern lives is a testament to their sagaciousness.

لسان الخبرة يحمل أكبر قدر من الحقيق

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The tongue of experience holds the most truth.

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الصمت يخفي الحماقة

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Silence conceals foolishness.

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ولا سلام إلا بعد العداوة

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There is no peace until after enmity.

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الشخص الجاد طوال اليوم لن يستمتع أبدًا، بينما الشخص التافه طوال اليوم لن يبني بيتًا أبدًا

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One who is serious all day will never have a good time, while one who is frivolous all day will never establish a household.

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الاشياء الجميلة لا تكون مكتملة ابدا

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A beautiful thing is never perfect.

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الغضب بدون قوة هو ضربة جاهزة

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Anger without power is a ready blow.

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الصداقة تضاعف الفرحة وتقسم الحزن إلى نصفين

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Friendship doubles joy and halves grief.

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لن يصيبك الحظ السعيد، فالحظ السعيد لمن يطلبه

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Good fortune will not happen to you: good fortune is given to him who seeks it.

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والذي يطلب الثروة دون مال سابق مثل الذي يحمل الماء في الغربال

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Who seeks for wealth without previous wealth is like him who carries water in a sieve.

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العلاج ضد الأوقات السيئة هو الصبر عليها

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The remedy against bad times is to have patience with them.

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وأفضل الطعام ما ملأ البطن

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The best food is that which fills the belly.

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قيمة كل إنسان تكمن في ما يفعله بشكل جيد

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The value of each man consists in what he does well.

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مصائب بعض الناس هي فوائد للآخرين

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The misfortunes of some people are advantages to others.

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Featured image credit: Slashio photography/ Shutterstock

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About the Author
Nicole Villeneuve
Nicole is a writer, thrift store lover, and group-chat meme spammer based in Ontario, Canada.
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